The Antidote to Truth Perversion? See What You See

It’s insane that my rejection of something as insane as the belief that men can be women would even be a matter of contention—at an institution of higher learning who reason for existing is pursuit of the truth and defense of that pursuit. This individual puts the matter as I have put it in different words. That it is not Peter Boghossian’s hand that is front of her is the same quality of truth as the statement: “Trans women are men.”

I have been using George Orwell’s 2+2=5 example from Nineteen Eighty-Four. Gender ideology is 2+2=5. It’s the denial that this woman’s hand is in front of her face. It’s hokum. All of it. It’s a perversion of the truth. This means that the medical industry and the associations and regulatory bodies that manage the public’s perception concerning this matter are deceiving people for prestige and profit.

Photo by Armando Palma Mendoza.

But it’s more than this. This is not merely the greatest medical scandal in history (indeed it is that); it proves we no longer live in a secular republic founded upon reason and science. This is why half of America, with a lot of smart people included in that number, agree that the verdict in Kafka’s The Trial is fair. They live in a post-truth world. And the scariest thing about this situation is that they want to live in this world.

Education is not the antidote to alienation. That’s because education is indoctrination. And that’s because our institutions have been captured by progressive ideology, beneath which lurks corporate power. The project to make America great again is indeed about reestablishing the great traditions of the Western past—traditions lost to postmodernist corruption.

So, as we navigate Pride month, let’s rededicate ourselves to the truths that gender is binary and immutable—and further recognize that these facts have to do with homosexuality in that denying them harms gay and lesbian people. Conversion is the process of changing or causing something to transition from one form to another, in this case to produce a simulated sexual identity. Trans is deceptive mimicry, mimicry designed to either deceive others or deceive oneself. Be a force multiplier in reestablishing mutual knowledge about scientific facts by conveying these truths, even if only in small groups or by sharing the content of others. If you must act in bad faith, then at a minimum don’t lie to yourself. At the very least, see what you see.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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