The Globalist Project: The Managed Decline of the Modern Nation-State and the Rise of Corporate State Tyranny

It doesn’t matter what country you live in—Canada, Sweden, the United States—progressivism and social democracy, corporatism whatever its stripe, will destroy your country.

The managed decline of the modern nation-state is intentional. It’s organized by globalists through multiculturalism and mass immigration. The transnational corporate agenda involves dissolving democratic-republic forms of government and replacing them with interlinked corporate state apparatuses spanning the globe based on the social credit model road-tested by the Chinese Communist Party. It is a totalitarian model of governance.

The political economy of this system will not be the capitalism you knew—or thought you knew—but a system of corporatist arrangements with a neo-feudalist character and technocratic controls. It will be a high-tech custodial facility. It will be a situation of profound unfreedom. And it won’t need walls.

Source: Internet

You’re being reduced from a citizen to a serf. Tomorrow, you will own nothing. You will lease or rent everything you have—and you won’t be allowed to have those things unless you obey the corporate masters who lease or rent things to you.

Most of you won’t have a job but will be given a universal basic income with a minder who will dictate to you what you will be allowed to have. You minder may not be a human. It probably won’t be. It will probably be a chip on a card. Maybe even in your body somewhere.

You will be forced to take jabs—and all the rest of it—to have the things you need or want. If you want things anymore.

A key part of the process of transforming modern society into this postmodern nightmare is to destroy the integrity of Western civilization through the mass importation of peoples socialized in cultures that are incompatible with liberal ethics and modern values. These peoples will be instructed not to assimilate to Western civilization in any case. They will be taught to hate the West and its Enlightenment values.

This is not a conspiracy. They tell you what they are doing—they have been telling you their plans since the days of Horace Kallen and his crowd and their gospel of trans-nationalism and cultural pluralism. But even if they hadn’t told you, you would know what they are up to by what is in fact happening to you. Science doesn’t need access to or the presence of agency and explicit intent to explain why things happen the way they happen. It only needs the agency of the scientist. Or those who think like scientists. (Same thing.)

You possess common sense. And the professional scientist might mislead you (he is like the priest corruptible). If your leaders cared about your country they wouldn’t allow any of this to happen. These are patriots doing this to you. They are your class enemies. As we can see, this isn’t about allowing anything to happen but about actively making it happen with predictable consequences. We induce the intent from the actions.

Open your eyes. Don’t be gullible. They’re destroying your way of life and smearing and persecuting those of you who resist the project.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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