“We cannot conflate the destruction of plateglass with the violence that is being protested.”

“In Defense of Destroying Property.” This is from the Nation, June 2020. It’s an example of how dumb seemingly smart people can be—made dumb by ideology. Or maybe it’s a instance of toxic mimicry.

Minneapolis, June 2020

Here it’s argued—by R.H. Lossin, who holds a PhD in communications from Columbia University and teachers at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research—that too many communities are over-policed. On the contrary. Too many communities are under-policed.

That’s why 57 percent of the victims of homicide last year were black people (the numbers are finally out over at the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer), members of a demographic comprising only around 13 percent of the US population, and their murderers were other black people (mostly male)—all of them living in impoverished and under-policed urban neighborhoods governed by progressive Democrats.

These are the neighborhoods where most mass shootings happen, which the media doesn’t tell you about because, you know, social justice.

It’s the left idealist bullshit spewed by elite academics like R.H. Lossin translated into urban policy by Democratic politicians subservient to corporate elites that’s responsible for mass death in black communities, and this moron with advanced degrees (which elite institutions hand out like candy) wants fewer police there so more poor black people can die.

It’s not smashing plate glass windows. It’s smashing the life dreams of people who actually create things. It’s scores of people killed by those enabled by the false rhetoric of white privilege promulgated by fake antiracists—demoralized by the conditions these fake antiracists created.

Now they’re wound up over “decolonization.” What does that look like? It looks like headless babies and burned bodies. What did they say? “Any form of Palestinian resistance is in no way equivalent to the daily violence of ‘Israeli’ settlers, the IOF, and the entire ‘Israeli’ state apparatus.” Who are they? Adhy Kim (Harvard), RH Lossin (Harvard), Eman Abdelhadi (UChicago), Sophie Lewis (Penn), Marty Cain (Cornell), Maz Do (Cornell), Addie Tsai (William & Mary), Aaron Aceves (UT), Joshua Nguyen (Tufts).

Because social justice.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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