The Deep State and Cognitive and Emotional Manipulation

Want to know why they’re trying to discredit Robert F. Kennedy, Jr? Watch his interview with Tucker Carlson and you will understand. Kennedy’s analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war is spot on (see History and Sides-Taking in the Russo-Ukrainian War; The US is Not Provoking Russia—And Other Tall Tales). When he gets to the PATRIOT Act, Anthony Fauci, and bioweapons your head will blow up. The Power Elite don’t want you to know about all this. I talk about all this on Freedom and Reason. I even drew the attention of the Bush Administration with my chapter War Hawks and the Ugly American in the book Devastating Society: The Neo-Conservative Assault on Democracy and Justice (you can read a version of the essay here for free). A few others have talked about these things, as well. But RFK, Jr. gets the People to listen to him. So it matters a lot that the corporate state discredit him.

All the things RFK, Jr. tells Carlson in this interview will be known to many people as conspiracy theories. That’s either because they really do believe they’re conspiracies or they want you to believe they’re conspiracies, as if there no such things—except the Trump-led conspiracy to steal the 2020 election and Trump-Russia collusion and so on. But everything RFK, Jr. says is true. And when you stop and reflect on those things, it should trouble you to consider that you live in a country that’s run by a Deep State.

Yes, a Deep State. It exists. And for a lot of people the truth of the Deep State is so distressing they prefer to believe the things that could make them realize how manipulated and powerlessness they truly are are really wild conspiracy theories no rational person could believe. I know, one does get this helpless feeling when you realize the corporate state, which includes the mass media, the entire apparatus of power, is lying to you. But the way to deal with feelings of helplessness is to work through it, not convince yourself that the truth of reality is a lie, not to live in denial.

Greenwald usefully differentiates between false conspiracy theory and conspiracy theory—because there are conspiracies. This is a distinction you will do well to remember and use yourself when thinking about the world. You have to do the work to know the difference between false and true conspiracy theories, of course. This is the purpose of Freedom and Reason, to provide nomenclature and analytical frameworks to make a path through late capitalism, as the tagline says.

Some of you probably already know this, and RFK, Jr. references this fact in his interview with Carlson, but the term “conspiracy theory” was socialized after the JFK assassination to pre-bunk claims that ran contrary to the official narrative of the lone gunman theory (the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald), a narrative developed by the Warren Commission, which was a cover-up of the CIA’s role in the assassination of the President, the commission actually run by recently deposed and inaugural CIA Director Allen Dulles. Kennedy had dismissed Dulles and was planning to reorganize the agency. With the publication of the Warren Commission report, the CIA sent out over the wire to the hundreds of senior editors and editors the agency controlled through its program to command the media, tagged Operation Mockingbird, instructions to label as conspiracy theory any questioning of the official narrative.

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That’s right, the Deep State, which includes the Plans Division of the Central Intelligence Agency, renamed the National Clandestine Service (NCS) by George W. Bush, establishing the CIA as the hub of all human intelligence operations, including the Special Activities Division (SAD), runs a substantial portion of the mass media and uses its control of the communications apparatus to spread disinformation in order to manipulate the American public into supporting the goals of the Power Elite.

Recently, we were offered a window into how this works when Elon Musk took over Twitter, rebranded X (see Twitter Interfered in the 2020 Election). The Twitter Files represent what intelligence agencies call a “limited hangout,” where the public is given a peak into the world of Deep State control over the mass media system, in this case with the focus on the FBI, for the purposes of obscuring the reality that suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story wasn’t exceptional but an ordinary matter (see New York Post Drops a Bombshell on the Biden Campaign). The Power Elite, represented primarily by the Democratic Party, with controlled opposition in tow, i.e., establishment Republicans, don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in republican government. They don’t believe in individual liberties and rights.

The ideological-political manifestation of this is progressivism, a fascistic philosophy of technocratic control. The left and the right believe it’s some sort of socialism. It’s not. It’s authoritarian corporatism. It’s the administration not of things but of people.

The corporate media and Power Elite functionaries like Hillary Clinton use the term “conspiracy theory” to delegitimize people like me who tell you the truth about the structure of power and our situation. So do a lot of the people you know—and perhaps you yourself—because they (you) have been conditioned to respond to accounts that go against the official narrative by dismissing the messenger as a conspiracy theorist, a paranoid, a whacko, etc. This testifies to the efficacy of the program of cognitive and emotional manipulation by the Deep State, the fact that so many smart people accuse those who tell the truth of spreading misinformation and disinformation.

We saw this in the COVID-19 pandemic. We obviously had in our midsts a bioweapon that had either been released or escaped from a Chinese lab in November of 2019 that quickly spread around the globe. To be sure, it could be deadly for the very elderly and those with multiple co-morbidities, but it was unremarkable for the vast majority of the population, as it had been engineered from a cold virus (the coronavirus). Nonetheless, governments forced the masses into lockdown, the wearing of masks, mandated vaccines, and lied about therapeutics that could treat the illness. They wildly inflated the the number of those who were killed by the virus. Even The New York Times admitted this past July that nearly a third of US deaths ascribed to COVID-19 were actually caused by something else, citing data from the CDC (and this still downplays the lie). I was reporting the scheme of inflation at least as early as May of 2020 (see More on the Unreasonableness of the COVID-19 hysteria; How Deaths are Classified, Good and Bad Comparisons, and Other COVID-19 Insanity). The same irrational scheme was rolled out throughout the transatlantic community. It was all an exercise in mass control. A big lie to terrify the masses and prepare them for even more a draconian control regimes. The COVID-19 pandemic was proof of concept. (See Biden’s Biofascist Regime; Eugenics 2.0.)

Some of us could see that during the summer of 2020 the government used the COVID-19 pandemic to change election rules, contrary to constitutional norms, and, under cover of chaos run a color revolution based on the lie of systemic racism in criminal justice, disrupt the normal functioning of society, all of which served the function of election rigging (see Color Revolution, Joe from Scranton, and PEDs). Some of us could see how they mopped up in the early morning hours of the day after the election when the scheme didn’t work as well as expected when massive numbers turned out on game day to vote to reelect Donald Trump. Some of us can see that they’re in the final mop-up phase of operation, where they are attempting to throw those who objected to the stolen election, including the former President, in prison.

A testament to the power of conditioning, which has the greatest effects on those who are politically progressive and highly intelligent (something Chomsky is pointed out years ago), my university a couple years ago had a campus theme all about the problem of conspiracy theory. If you look at the content of that theme, it has all the appearance of being organized by an Operation Mockingbird like operation. But it didn’t need to be. It only needed to be organized by those who have been successfully conditioned by Operation Mockingbird and other thought control programs. (See Refining the Art and Science of Propaganda in an Era of Popular Doubt and Questioning; Cognitive Autonomy and Our Freedom from Institutionalized Reflex.)

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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