House Republicans Shrink Their Own Majority

George Santos, New York Republican, is the sixth member to be expelled from the US House of Representatives. There were 311 votes to expel George Santos from Congress. One hundred and five Republicans voted to boot Santos. Only two Democrats voted against expelling Santos. Santos is the first to be kicked out of Congress without having fought for the Confederacy or being convicted of a crime. This is an unprecedented and truly dangerous action congress has taken.

Rep. George Santos speaks on the House floor, Nov. 30, 2023

Here’s what folks have to understand about today and why it matters to them. First, this establishes a terrible precedent: if the establishment doesn’t like a member, they get him indicted and remove him from Congress. This is lawfare. Second, Santos was under a federal criminal indictment. He was not convicted of the charges leveled against him. The man is innocent until proven guilty. Congress made itself the judge and jury. Third, expelling Santos disenfranchises the voters of his district. Instead of the voters deciding Santos’ fate, politicians from other districts did.

I don’t care if you don’t like Santos, or you think he did what he is accused of, or you just want to see a Republican suffer. All that is beside the point if you believe in the rule of law and the democratic principle. If Santos is ever convicted of a crime, then that’s a different matter. But if you understand how easy it is for a prosecutor to accuse a person of a crime, then you must know that meting out consequences for somebody not convicted of a crime risks making a whip for your own back. We have to defend legal innocence in this nation or we lose everything. This is one of the few principles standing between freedom and tyranny.

Finally, Republicans actually diminished their narrow majority by expelling Santos. What was up with that? Don’t tell me principle.

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Speaking of tyranny, did you see this?

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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