Crenshaw Confesses: Critical Race Theory is About Racial Reckoning

In an interview of MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Kimberlé Crenshaw, the legal scholar who coined the term “critical race theory,” and who plays a key role in the development of “intersectionality,” explicitly informs America that critical race theory advocates simply want the law to do for freed black people what it did for the slavers. Here’s a link to the image below.

Joe Reid interviews the founder of critical race theory Kimberlé Crenshaw

Let that sink in. What did the law do for the slavers? It allowed them to enslave black people. After that, the law allowed whites to enjoy racial privileges that denied blacks opportunities. But whites changed the law to free blacks from slavery (and died in the hundreds of thousands to achieve it—many more lost arms, eyes, and legs). And whites changed the law to end racial privileges more than half a century ago.

Crenshaw tells Reid that criticism of CRT (which the media is painting as entirely hailing from rightwing conservatives) is trying to stop the “racial reckoning.” Pay attention to language. What is a “reckoning”? According to the Oxford dictionary, it means “the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds.” That’s what your thought it meant. Crenshaw has always sought to impose a racial reckoning. This is why she formulated critical race theory those many years ago.

What have I been telling you for years now? Critical race theory is not about realizing the Enlightenment goal of radical individualism and self-government. How could it be? Antiracism not about dismantling racism. Antiracism is about flipping racism around so that whites become the subordinate caste, so that whites become a pariah. Whites are the reason blacks as a group don’t do as well as average of other minority groups. Whites control everything, and they fix things to keep blacks down. Antiracism is about the boomerang—and now the inventor of the perspective openly confesses it.

Crenshaw at TEDWomen 2016

The goal of civil rights is to make the individuals of all skin colors sovereign and free from discrimination. Civil rights is about realizing fully the American Creed. The struggle against racism is about emancipating each of us from the confines of racial categories. Crenshaw says she only wants what Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted and what Frederick Douglas before King wanted. This is not true. CRT advocates believe discrimination in the past requires discrimination in the present. It seeks to replace negative discrimination with positive discrimination. It already has.

The past is history. It’s over and done. You can’t change it. My two boys aren’t responsible for what their ancestors may have done or failed to do. Whatever happened in the distant past cannot be justification for doing to people today what some did to others back then. It’s an irrational and primitive mode of justice. One might say, it’s biblical—Old Testament biblical. But reason tells us that if something is wrong one way around, it is just as wrong the other way around. Without the golden rule, there is no morality really. There is only the reckoning.

There is one truth uttered in this conversation: CRT is not Marxist. Not even close. CRT is a quasi-religious system. More than this, it is anti-working class. Long before this controversy broke, I was exposing all this on my blog Freedom and Reason. If you want to arm yourself, your friends, and your family against this insidious ideology, go back through my posts and find the arguments that reveal the darkness that lies at the core of this hateful standpoint. My goal in resurrecting Freedom and Reason was to create mutual knowledge and provide the words others may find useful in fighting against the authoritarian left.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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