The Battle for the Soul of a Nation: Indicators of the Fascism that Marks the Present Moment

This interview is useful to understanding the current situation, but you have to think correctly to extract from the discussion its usefulness. As you watch this, right from the beginning, mentally substitute “progressive” for “liberal.” Carlson is performing the mainstream media trick of conflating the terms. They are in fact opposites. The actual liberals are Carlson and Hanson. Hansen is more accurate in his terminology, and once the interview gets underway the terminology aligns. However, they do not use the term progressive enough, and it is important to do so so the public understands more fully the situation.

President Joe Biden delivers a primetime speech at Independence National Historical Park September 1, 2022 in Philadelphia. He spoke on “the continued battle for the Soul of the Nation.”

Both are correct to say that the current situation is totalitarian—and that totalitarianism is known as woke progressivism. Moreover, and Hanson alludes to this, woke progressivism is highly similar to national socialism in its complete abandonment of truth and race essentialism. The ideology of the corporate state has become the worst sort of fascism. I wish Carlson (and Greenwald and others) wouldn’t make the error of treating liberal as a label for an ideology rather than an unchanging system of principles, as it makes our way out of this mess look like the cause of it, but they do (see The Democratic Party is Not the Party of Liberal Politics), and so we have to make the adjustment in our minds.

The fascism, albeit often offered in a soft and pleasant tone, is manifested right down to home visits by federal agents. Biden’s FBI is making unannounced home visits to Trump supporters nationwide. The visits are known as “knock and talks.” The FBI agents say, “You haven’t done anything wrong yet, we just want to talk.…” This is a form of voter intimidation. They will interview you for information identifying your friends, etc. If the FBI visit you, don’t answer the door. You don’t have to talk to them and it’s not safe to answer your door.

Milley, whom Trump essentially accused of high treason, said he’s been “faithful and loyal” to the Constitution throughout his career. The fact that he admitted he was willing to go behind the President’s back to warn Beijing of a pending US military attack proves that Milley’s opinion of himself is a false one. Trump’s implied accusation of high treason is not inaccurate.

The corporate state media is making much over Donald Trump’s suggestion that General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff under Trump, deserved to be executed. This is part of the push by the Party to defend the military-industrial complex and press warmongering into popular consciousness, key features of totalitarian systems. What the media are not telling the public is that, in a democratic republic founded on civilian control of the military, with the President designated by the Constitution to be the chief commander of the armed forces, for a general to go behind the President’s back to give the nation’s chief adversary, i.e., China, advanced warning of an attack on Beijing is an act of treason. Historically, treason has carried the death penalty. Denial of civilian control of the military by misinforming the public about the content of Trump’s remark is a clear indicator of the authoritarianism that pervades the corporate state media apparatus.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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