Dissociative Personality Disorder and Multiple Gendered Alters

Here a person with dissociative identity disorder, or DID, explains how the different identities, called “alters” can have different genders. DID individuals claim to have two or more separate identities, each with its own personality, preferences, traits, etc., which control their behavior at different times. Since gender is only a perception and not biological at all, this person tells her audience that different genders may be present in a single individual. (Are those claiming to be “gender fluid” really DID sufferers?)

This is a consequence of lying to children. Gender is not only perception, as if it is strictly subjective, which is how perception is being used by this individual. Gender is an objective and external fact about a person. Gender is substantially rooted in biology and is moreover unchangeable. One is either born male or a female and will stay that way until the end of his or her days. Yes, sex or gender roles vary across time and space, even over the life course. The gender roles of a gatherer and hunter tribes differed from the gender roles of individuals in a technologically advanced civilization. Gender roles vary regionally in the United States. But that doesn’t make gender subjective.

Ai generated interpretation of dissociative identity disorder

I have to digress for a moment and note that, strictly speaking, perception refers to the process by which individuals become aware of and interpret information from their external environment through their senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It involves the brain’s ability to organize and make sense of sensory input, leading to the formation of mental representations or impressions of the world around us. Perception is a fundamental aspect of human cognition and plays a crucial role in how we interaction with and understand the world. It involves not only the reception of sensory input but also the interpretation and processing of that information, which can be influenced by various factors, including cultural background, individual differences, and prior experiences. In essence, perception shapes our understanding of reality and influences our behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Dissociative identity disorder, gender dysphoria, and other conditions may be, when authentic (albeit I am highly skeptical that DID is a real thing), rooted in brain abnormalities that produce faulty perception of reality.

At any rate, the individual is making a ridiculous argument. Why, if gender is entirely subjective, would doctors modify a male body to look female because the male believes he’s a female? If he were really a woman, then what he looked like would be an instantiation of female in the range of possible instantiations, which, according to gender ideology, have nothing to do with physiology. Yes, he has a penis, but then he’s a woman so that must mean women have penises. But he wants breasts and a vagina because that’s what women have. So which is it? Obviously the argument is internally contradictory. That’s because the idea of gender identity is complete nonsense (this is a big part of the religious character of this ideology). That we are commanded to repeat the slogan “Trans women are women” is because, like 2+2=5, the only way it can be true is if everybody believes it is and is robbed of their capacity to see that it is plainly false.

As for DID, like gender identity disorder (GID), this is yet another attention-seeking behavior without any basis in science that psychiatrists nonetheless affirm in order to generate income, which depends on them finding some purpose to exist.

But I want you to think about something now that both DID and GID are on the table. With GID, now called gender dysphoria, the treatment is to surgically alter the person to appear as the other gender. So why not also perform surgery on the DID patient to create a different body for each personality? Oh, you can’t do that without killing the patient? But even if you could grow bodies in a lab to house the different personalities, something like we saw in James Cameron’s Avatar, then it still wouldn’t work because the brain is indivisible.

I know this sounds ridiculous. But it is really no more ridiculous than all the rest of this. Developing a technology to extract the different personalities assumes that there really are different personalities. There aren’t. The person who believes he is more than one person is delusional. To be sure, you can surgically alter GID patients without necessarily killing them (although sometimes that happens—more often they kill themselves). But you don’t create a new gender since gender is not something separate from the physical body. Gender exists in every cell of a person’s body. That’s right, you cells are sexed. And that includes your brain.

DID, like GID, is a social contagion, and the affirmation of this delusion legitimizes it so that the contagion becomes an ever more powerful force. We see this with a lot of disorders: cutting, Tourette’s, and so on. Thus we see in both DID and GID, the psychiatric industry fueling a mass hysteria for profits.

Are DID and GID suffers actually suffering? Yes, they are. And how you help them is to show them that what they believe about themselves is not only not true but could not possibly be true. Yet we have the medical industry and its associations (established to give the industry fake credibility), joined by the state and technocratic apparatus, with laws and rules, preventing those interventions that would actually work. It would be like telling the addict that he doesn’t need treatment but more of the drugs he’s addict to, the argument being that it’s wrong to tell him that it is better if he were not abusing drugs, that drug use is his authentic self, that addict is his identity.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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