Step Away From the Crazy

Ideology makes intelligent people look crazy to those who stand outside the ideology. This is not because the outsider doesn’t understand “their truth.” It’s because ideology makes people crazy and the outsider is the objective observer watching the crazy happen in front of him.

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Those who speak in tongues don’t believe speaking in tongues is crazy because an ideology has colonized their lifeworld. The ideology tells that there is an unseen spirit world populated by entities finding corporeal bodies through which to speak. That’s crazy. If one person believes this, then he’s delusional, possibly schizophrenic. If dozens or hundreds or a few thousand believe this, then it’s a cult. If several thousand or millions—or billions—then it is a religion. It is an ideology.

Examples of crazy beliefs may be found everywhere and throughout time.

Source: Scientology—Apologetics

Scientology’s belief in thetans is crazy. For those who are unfamiliar with Scientology, this religious system was founded in the early 1950s by pulp science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Central to its doctrine is the idea of the thetan, a spiritual being that resides within every of is. Other beliefs include the idea of engrams which, according to Scientology, are traumatic experiences in a person’s past that negatively impact their current life. These are the source of emotional and psychological troubles. Scientology offers a therapy called auditing to help individuals identify and confront these engrams. During auditing, a person is connected to an E-meter that measures the electrical resistance of the person’s body, which is the manifestation of spiritual distress. The goal of auditing is to rid the individual of engrams and increase spiritual awareness—in essence, to get the person closer to the thetan inside the body. Spiritual progression is referred to as “The Bridge to Total Freedom,” which consists of various levels or stages of spiritual development, each requiring a series of auditing sessions and courses (which are not free).

Adherents to Scientology don’t see how crazy these beliefs are because they live according to the ideology. Enough people share the crazy to make Scientology a religion. The US government doesn’t tax the Church of Scientology because it is a religion. In France, Scientology is branded a dangerous cult. I talked about this in a criminology class in the early naughties in an early lecture describing the nature of fraud. One of the students was a Scientologist from California. After class, she yelled at me for criticizing her religion. I told that to take it up with the dean of students, that she’d get no apology from me. She dropped my class.

It’s the same with belief in gender identity, this notion that there are gender angels or gender souls—authentic selves that exist independently from the objective material self. These souls can inhabit the wrong body. Sometimes the souls have split genders and can switch from male to female. Some souls don’t have a gender at all. Some souls are both simultaneously. Sometimes the body has to be medically transformed by doctors to become a hospitable body for the authentic self, i.e., the gender angel. There are girls and women who have their breasts removed, their reproductive organs removed, their vagina’s sewn shut, and sections of the epidermis (from their arms and legs) enlarged and cut away to be formed into the shape of a phallus, which is sown onto their stomachs. Some boys and men take estrogen and grow breasts, sometimes enhancing these protruberances with implants, their testicles are sometimes removed and their penises split and inverted, stuffed into their abdominal cavity to form a permanent wound between their legs. The beliefs that cause people to do these things to their bodies represents a paradigm of crazy. Those around the afflicted are gaslighted and bullied into affirming the madness to create an inclusive space. They mean to drag all of us into the crazy. Even if we don’t mutilate our bodies, we’re are expected to be members of the congregation, conscripted into the movement, given a special designation (“cisgender”) and the function of shoring up the delusion.

That so many people believe crazy ideas and bully others into sharing on the crazy—that in the case of gender angels the lunatics have managed to commandeer the corporate state machinery to punish those who resist their lunacy—that doctors tell us that there really are gender angels and that to stop them from drugging and cutting a person’s body to affirm their delusion—none of this makes crazy ideas sane. It simply means that the crazy has captured a great many people.

This is why it is so important to get your head out of the fog of ideology. Step away from the crazy. Strive to be the objective observer. You will be criticized for it. Some will even hate you for it. But you will enjoy the dignity of not living in bad faith. And that’s a hell of a lot better than seeking ecstasy in the irrational. Delusions are emptiness because there really is nothing there.

* * *

I will be writing an essay about this soon. Narcissism has been on the rise for years and there is an explanation. But until then, here is a paradigm of narcissism.

The narcissist is not the self-directed personality. It is not a self-actualized person confident in his beliefs, who asserts the freedom of his thoughts and his right to conscience. Narcissism is something very dark and dangerous. It is a characteristic of the cultural left.

The man in this video believes he makes a better mother because he will affirm the child in her delusion rather than validating her psychological troubles and guiding her to the truth of her body as any good mother would. His words prove he cannot be a better mother (objective reality proves he can never be a mother at all). His words prove instead that he is the star of the fantasy movie he made up in his head.

The movie is a horror movie. If he ever gets possession of a confused child, he will give her more than margarine and tea. A pedophile lurks beneath his delusion. This is a dangerous person. Gender ideology is a dangerous movement.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

2 thoughts on “Step Away From the Crazy”

  1. ‘Gender ideology’ is not a ‘movement’, it is a made-up label that is conveniently used to make transgender people look like dangerous radicals.

    1. The idea that people can change genders is an extremist ideology, Ryan. It denies objective reality and causes people to damage their bodies and oppress others. It is an ideology and a movement no different from the irrational religious movements of the past.

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