The Specter of Climate Change and Its Totalitarian Desire

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. Otherwise, when some particularly absurd belief is exploded by events, one may simply forget that one ever held it. Political predictions are usually wrong. But even when one makes a correct one, to discover why one was right can be very illuminating. In general, one is only right when either wish or fear coincides with reality. If one recognizes this, one cannot, of course, get rid of one’s subjective feelings, but one can to some extent insulate them from one’s thinking and make predictions cold-bloodedly, by the book of arithmetic. In private life most people are fairly realistic. When one is making out one’s weekly budget, two and two invariably make four. Politics, on the other hand, is a sort of sub-atomic or non-Euclidean world where it is quite easy for the part to be greater than the whole or for two objects to be in the same place simultaneously. Hence the contradictions and absurdities I have chronicled…, all finally traceable to a secret belief that one’s political opinions, unlike the weekly budget, will not have to be tested against solid reality.” —George Orwell, “In Front of your Nose” (1946).

Global climate change (GCC) is like the lie of systemic racism in policing and incarceration—both are designed to achieve a political goal. The same group of people are behind it: transnational corporatists advancing woke progressive ideology. This tells you the goal, but to make it explicit: The goal is a new world order rooted in a new but familiar mode of production, a global neofeudalism that erases democratic-republican values and liberal freedoms and transcends national boundaries, imaginary boundaries that may be maintained for show, with an extensive planetary social control apparatus. The United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Union (EU), along with non-governmental organizations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), seek a new world order, are designing and implementing the control apparatus, which includes policing powers and a global military for (NATO). China is the proof of concept for music of the domestic control apparatus. This is the Great Reset. The 15-minute city. Social credit scores. De-banking and De-platforming. Total and perpetual surveillance.

You will remember that Europe was also engulfed in the Black Lives Matter hysteria, too. Why? To delegitimize western civilization and the enlightenment by making it appear to be a racist project. And we cannot forget the COVID-19 pandemic, which was designed and implemented to advance the socialization of social control techniques and technologies. The global climate change hysteria has both these objectives in its logic.

Where is the panic over the fact that China—with 1.4 billion people—is building the equivalent of about two new coal fired plants daily? India—also 1.4 billion people—pumps astonishing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every year—some 4 billion metric tons of it. China generates 11.5 billion metric tons of CO2 annually. China is a brutally racist country (look at the treatment of the Uyghurs). China runs on wage slavery. For whom do the slaves toil? Chinese and western transnational corporations. Where is the panic over the treatment of ethnic groups in China, or with the super exploitation of proletarian labor?

Perhaps not the author’s intent, but the cartoon is telling us that climate change is for the most part a natural phenomenon. The earth has warmed and cooled for billions of years. Dinosaurs has no factories. Human activity does not explain the phenomenon.

To be sure, corporations are polluting the environment. For example, forever chemicals are being pumped into the biosphere that reduce fertility through endocrine disruption and synthetic estrogen production. Chemicals that are known to cause endocrine disruption and synthetic estrogen production when introduced into the environment are called Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). EDCs interfere with the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating various physiological processes through the release of hormones, including hormones that regulate the physiology of reproduction. EDCs can alter, block, and mimic the natural hormones in the body, leading to a range of adverse effects in humans and wildlife. One of the well-known effects is the synthetic production of estrogen-like compounds, which disrupt the hormonal balance in animals and carries serious consequences for reproductive development and health and other biological processes.

There are many examples of EDCs. Here are some that disrupt normal reproductive physiology: Bisphenol A (BPA), found in plastic products, food can linings, thermal paper receipts, among other things. BPA mimics estrogen and interferes with hormone signaling. Phthalates, used in plastics, personal care products, and medical devices, disrupt the endocrine system, particularly affecting the reproductive system. Dioxins are released as byproducts of certain industrial processes and waste incineration. These are highly toxic and disrupt hormone function. Atrazine, which you may have heard mentioned recently in corporate state propaganda smearing RFK, Jr., is a widely used herbicide in agriculture. Atrazine has been associated with feminization of male frogs and has been suspected to impact human health as well. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), formerly used in electrical equipment and various industrial applications, while banned, persist in the environment, and disrupt hormone signaling. This is a big issue in the Fox River here in Green Bay with the paper mills, which got me in some trouble several years ago when I presented a paper criticizing the plan of “natural attenuation.” Organophosphate pesticides, widely used in agriculture, interfere with the nervous and endocrine systems. Synthetic hormones, e.g., ethinyl estradiol, are present in some pharmaceuticals designed to regulate the reproductive capacity, and enter the environment through wastewater discharges.

The human population, as well as numerous species of wildlife, are being feminized through the large-scale introduction of forever chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system and alter the hormonal balance of the affected organism. Big Chemical, Big Agriculture, and Big Pharma all know about this. The regulatory agencies all know about this. Whether the effects of these chemicals are the purpose of exposing the environment to them is beside the point. Actions become intentional when those who perpetrate them know the effects of them.

The presence of these chemicals in the environment can occur through various means—agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, improper disposal of products, and wastewater treatment processes (which is recycled as fertilizing water). Many countries have regulations and guidelines to limit the use and release of EDCs to presumptively minimize their impact on the environment and public health. Some still functioning democracies actually work to mitigate their impacts. But more often than not, they disseminate misinformation and disinformation to confuse and distract the public. There is a massive effort in the US to conceal and obfuscate the significances of these chemicals in our environment. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is running as a candidate for president for the Democratic Party, talks about this and the media treats his revelations are paranoid. Alex Jones of InfoWars talked about the effect of endocrine disruptors several years ago. Corporate propagandists extracted a sound bite and AstroTurfed it to mock Jones and indirectly those who might listen to him. They are trying to do the same with RFK, Jr., accusing of being “anti-vax” and “anti-Semitism.”

Resource extraction and pollution of the air, soil, and water is a massive problem. But the elites don’t care about that. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), established in the 1970, is not so much a corporate-captured regulatory agency as it is a cover for pollution after being exposed by environmentalists in the 1960s (for example Rachel Carson and her 1962 blockbuster Silent Spring). This is the function of all regulatory agencies and advisory bodies: to cover for the harm corporations visit on humans and their biosphere. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exposes populations to a vast inventory of harmful chemicals and therapeutics. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) green lights GMOs (genetically-modified organisms), pesticides—yet another vast inventory of destructive chemicals. These agencies dovetail with non-governmental organizations—the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)—to legitimize profit generation at the expense of human populations and the biosphere. Elites don’t care about all this harm—for the harm produced it is the source of the opulence and life of leisure (private jets, yachts, mansions, pedophile rings) the elites and their functionaries enjoy. They only care that you don’t know or think about any of that.

Elites want you to focus instead on the abstract notion of human-caused global climate change, a theorized phenomenon enjoys no empirical support. They want to blame you, the human population, so they can bring about a regime of total social control under a centralize command structure run by a transnational corporate and world financial alliance.

You already know the experts are lying to you. Everything they told you about SARS-CoV-2—the nature of the disease, the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, the safety and efficacy and benefit of mRNA and V-vector platforms— all of it was either misinformation or disinformation or lying. Since all the information to know this was available while they were rolling out the pandemic, which is how I was able to keep readers of Freedom and Reason informed through the entire episode on this forum which is not yet subject to censorship (I download my blog on a routine basis just in case), elites conspired with legacy and social media platforms to censor and obscure this information. We learned about the Deep State-Twitter collusion a while ago., thanks to Elon Musk’s takeover of the company. Now we have learned the Biden Administration was instructing Facebook to take down posts about COVID’s origins. And Google’s de-boosting of my content is obvious in a cursory search of key terms specific to my site. Why? Because the Chinese origins of COVID (a) implicates the US government in using Chinese (and Ukrainian) laboratories to pursue the gain-of-function experiments that produced the SARs viruses (a paused program Antony Fauci, NIAID Director from 1984 to 2022 covertly restarted using the Trump Administration; and (b) China’s slave labor force produces cheap commodities for western transnational corporation (TNCs).

They lied to you about systemic racism. They lied to you about COVID-19. They’re still lying about both those things. They’re lying to you about global climate change. The transnational elite has engineered a vast fog machine. The large wind turbines require a tremendous amount of energy to operate. Wind plants must use electricity from the grid, which is powered by coal, gas or nuclear power. They kill wildlife and generate noise pollution. They rapidly deteriorate and are made of materials that cannot be recycled. Taxpayers subsidize the industry. The lithium batteries that power electric vehicles (EVs) are built from material extracted from from the Earth, destroying ecosystems. The electricity that charges them comes from coal, gas, or nuclear power. The spent batteries contain non-recyclable material that are dumped in a land fill. Wind plants and EVs are means not to reduce use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They are means to manufacture the illusion that their “alternatives” will reduce CO2 emissions, conveying the message that CO2 is a problem caused by fossil fuel. With that premise in place, governments move to reduce consumer consumption of gas and oil, which requires a vast infrastructure of social control.

They want to get you out of cars because cars represent autonomy. They want to built cities in such a way that you won’t need a car for work and shopping—and you will need permission if you need to travel further than that. They want to be able to tell you how much food you can eat, how much energy you can use, where you can go, who you can see—and they will be monitoring all of that. They already are. When they control all these things, then they control you. You become entirely dependent on the state. This is what universal basic income (UBI) is about. This is why you see the social credit systems elaborated and socialized around the world. It’s why the Biden Administration had Facebook take down post that showed that argued that the virus originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China—because it exposed the agent used to trigger the social control apparatus.

You will find in the above tweet very important insights about how elites are able to leverage the deep civilizational socialization of people against them. Elites are taking a very familiar idea to Western people, the myths of the Judeo-Christian faith and putting it in the secular terms—and those on the left are more susceptible to the trick because their faith is not explicit enough to raise suspicion. Black Lives Matter and COVID-19 pandemic works so well for the same reason. Global climate change hysteria is a sublimated form of Christian apocalypticism. Apocalypticism is the belief that the end of the world is imminent. It is accompanied by the idea that civilization, in this case the biosphere, will soon end due to a catastrophic global event. We saw the markers of religious-like faith in the foot-washing and kneeling, the transformation of lawbreakers into martyrs and saints, during the Black Lives Matter riots. We saw the markers of religious-like belief in progressive faith in the technocracy and the expert, analogs to the church and the priest. Woke is a religion, and it is the expression of transnational corporate state power and authoritarian desire. It generates hysteria and and hatred that demands Big Brother.

The corporate state is moving to replace the fundamental law underpinning civil liberties and human rights with an administrative state and technocratic control of populations under cover of pandemic preparedness and combating climate change. We are on the verge of losing our freedom entirely.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating: if the people were united against this we’d have a chance, but the people are not united. On the side, there are people like me who get it and care about democratic-republicanism and humanist and liberal values and principles. On the other side are the progressives who represent the ideological expression of authoritarian state capitalism. They will not change their mind for the same reason a devout Muslim cannot change his mind: the devout Muslim is a zealot. The only way to build the coalition necessary to overthrow the corporate state—or at least limit it severely—will be to reach those out there who are not yet plugged in or who are on the fence. This involves kicking Democrats out of office wherever you can—unless it’s a Democrat like RFK, Jr. who will serve the function of wrecking ball ion the same way Trump broke open the Republican Party. The populist Republicans for the last several months have been kicking open the door and letting America see what the uniparty has done to us for decades. We need more populists like this in office. We need populists to deconstruct the administrative state. If not Kennedy, then Trump. The progressive establishment must be brought down.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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