“It’s Not Going to Stop.” The Managed Decline of the American Republic

“If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world.” —Donald Trump, 2019

“It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.” —Joe Biden, speaking about mass immigration in 2015

On Tuesday, President Biden stood alongside striking autoworkers in Michigan, agreeing with them that they deserve considerably more than their current compensation. The media is making much of the fact that his appearance marked the first time in modern history that a sitting US president joined striking workers (remember Barack Obama’s broken promise?). Biden’s stunt occurred just one day ahead of a visit to the state by Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency, who gave a speech in Clinton Township on Wednesday, September 27. The media is reporting that these consecutive events underscore the significance of union support in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, even though labor unions represent only a small fraction of the American workforce. Today, union density is at most only around a tenth of American workers. This is in sharp contrast to union density before the 1970s, when it stood around 35-40 percent.

President Joe Biden speaking at an event organized by autoworkers in Michigan

Of course, President Biden has organized labor in his back pocket. This is a condition of American corporatism. Unions were pulled into the corporate state and defanged long ago. Biden is motivated to stand with workers for another reason: he needs to appear pro-labor while doing more than any American president in recent memory to undermine workers interests—their wages and benefits, their families, and their communities. More than this. Biden is in reality an agent of managed decline of the American Republic. Trump’s motivations are different and obvious: he believes in the American Creed and recognizes that working people are fundamental to the success of that project.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., another believer in the American Creed, held a press conference on immigration and the border crisis in Austin, Texas, September 22. The mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas, had just declared a state of emergency, that city’s health and safety services overwhelmed by a surge of thousands of migrants. It’s not just a crisis in the southwest of the nation, of course. Kennedy noted New York Mayor Eric Adams’ statement that the flood of immigrants is destroying his city. “Every city in this country has now become a border town,” Kennedy said. Indeed.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a the southern border of the United States

Kennedy noted Biden administration’s recent announcement of work permits for nearly half a million Venezuelan immigrants, saying “Giving 470,000 migrants work visas is a signal to the rest of the world that anyone who comes to this country is going to get a work visa. And that’s the last thing we want to signal at this point. Until the border is secure, we should not be talking about work visas for anybody.” Kennedy made the point after stressing that the border crisis is first and foremost a humanitarian crisis, in which migrants suffer from rapacious drug and human trafficking cartels, as well as unscrupulous employers once they arrive. “They can never make enough money to get off the street,” Kennedy said.

Actually, the border crisis is first and foremost an organized plan to destroy the American Republic. Here’s how it works: Flood the country with immigrants to burden the social welfare system and disorder national culture. Tell citizens that they have to give illegals work permits so the illegals can get jobs to unburden the system and become part of America. Work permits for illegals—and work under the table—displaces native born workers who then burden the welfare system. This makes more people dependent on the party whose strategy involves enlarging the proportion of the population who vote for a living (in contrast to working for a living). Meanwhile, wages are driven even lower and the corporate firms progressives represent make out like bandits. At the same time, the globalists are flooding the West with the bearers of primitivism to destroy enlightened civilization. In effect, they’ve thrown open the city gates and invited the barbarians in. The end will resemble the collapse of Rome. Only feudalism 2.0 will be be a high-tech Dark Ages.

“Since Biden was elected, 7 million immigrants have come across the border illegally,” Kennedy said in his speech. It’s a lot more than 7 million; more likely the number is in the neighborhood of 10-12 million since Biden was installed as president. This brings the number of illegal aliens residing in America to perhaps as many as 40 million. However, Kennedy is right that, during the same period, just over three million immigrants arrived in America legally. We can debate whether that’s too many (it is), but there is a big difference: they’re following the process.

“The Democrats who have been urging an open border policy need to look at the evidence now and rethink their positions,” Kennedy said, adding that “we need to quickly secure the borders. Then we can think about work permits or amnesty programs. But we can’t sell those to the American people until the borders are closed and the frontiers are secure.” Yes, we need to quickly secure the borders. But I like this bit about selling work permits and amnesty programs to the American people. These should not be on the table. We should instead be discussing mass deportations. We cannot reward the lawbreakers who illegally enter our country. And we cannot reward the lawmakers who encourage them to do so at the behest of corporate power.

Kennedy issued this statement after the rally, making his position more clearly: “As President, I will make the border impenetrable to illegal migrants, but we can’t afford to wait a year and a half for that to happen. That is why I am calling on Democratic and Republican leaders to unify on this issue. I’m asking Democrats in particular to reexamine their assumption that a loose border is somehow more compassionate. It is not. It has created a humanitarian crisis for the migrants that is now destroying our cities, crushing our social services, and harming the working poor by undercutting their wages.” Besides Kennedy and Trump, both of whom are demonized by the establishment, there are no prominent political figures in America with common sense positions on mass immigration. This is what a robust pro-worker politics looks like, especially Kennedy’s follow up statement.

Kennedy will likely not get the nomination of his party. Rumors have it that he has been in communication with the Libertarian Party. This is just as well, as the Democratic Party has become antithetical to Kennedy’s populism. Democrats are pursuing the neoliberal agenda to drive down the wages of native American workers. Neoliberalism is an economic-political philosophy that prioritizes the interests of corporations and the wealthy elite over the well-being of the general population. It’s characterized by corporate governance, which involves regulatory capture, effective privatization of public function, assets, and infrastructure, as well as increased corporate control over the liberties and rights of citizens, who are increasing transformed into consumers. Neoliberalism is associated with income inequality, financial instability, environmental degradation, erosion of workers rights, loss of national sovereignty, and the crisis of democracy.

Democrats talking about the crisis of democracy, but what they are expressing when they say this is their concern that the corporate state and its attendant technocratic apparatus is in danger of being deconstructed by actual democrats, i.e., the populist movement. Progressivism, populism’s polar opposite, is the ideological and policy projection of the corporate state/governance, which operates according to logic of neoliberalism. This is what workers in America have to grasp. Pro-labor policy cannot at the same time be open border and trans nationalist. Democrats are globalists. They are neoliberal. Immigration is a strategy to undermine democracy and national integrity. Mass immigration is a prong in a twin strategy of globalization, the other the offshoring of industry. 500 billion is transferred from the native working class to capitalist every year on the basis if immigration. Immigrants cost taxpayers 150 billion annually. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of jobs are lost to offshoring.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for citizenship for all illegal immigration in the United States

In November of 22, Senate Majority Leader Chuck said (emphasis mine), “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but to get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.” Again, the number of illegal immigrants, even then, was much greater than 11 million. But whatever the number, the leader of the Senate is telling Americans that the plan is to make them all citizens, thus rewarding those who broke into the country with the greatest prize of all: citizenships. What is the expected effect of such a policy? Even more flooding across the border. And that is precisely what Democrats want.

In 2015, at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, with then Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas (now the Secretary) at his side, then Vice-President Biden said, “I’m proud of the American record on culture and economic integration of not only our Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities,” Biden said. “And the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.” “Nor should we want it to stop.” He celebrated the fact that, “[f]olks like me who are Caucasian of European descent—for the first time in 2017 we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America.” He is the one who made it about race. He then emphasized the point: “Absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.” (See Protecting the Fatherland—Mayorkas and His Spooks.)

Whose strength? Not the nation’s strength. Mass immigration weakens the nation and undermines the security and success of American citizens in their own country. Mass immigration strains public services—education, healthcare, welfare systems—leading to longer wait times and decreased quality of services for native-born citizens. Immigrant strain infrastructure—housing, transportation, utilities—leading to congestion and increased demand for resources. Immigrants, especially low-skilled workers, compete with native-born workers for jobs. The flood of surplus labor causes displacement of native labor and wage suppression. Immigration compromises national security, especially if there are insufficient border controls or effective vetting processes; criminals, drug traffickers, and terrorists enter the United States. Immigrants not only face difficulties integrating into their new society, including cultural differences and language barriers, but with the shift from assimilation and integration to multiculturalism, immigrant groups are encouraged to remain apart from native populations. They are even taught to the United States as a racist colonialist nation that does not deserve the allegiance of immigrants. Immigration thus leads to tensions between population segments resulting in polarization and affecting the stability of a country. Immigration undermines the perpetuation of national identity and culture. Immigrants may dilute and erode the cultural values and traditions of the United States—values and tradition vital to preserving the American Creed.

The obsession with diminishing the white proportion of the United States population reflected in Joe Biden’s remarks in 2015 are part of a much larger project of his administration—the project of exclusion that moves under cover of the Orwellian inversion “inclusion”—to diminish the presence and role of white people in America. This is not a racialist argument on my end, but an observation any objective person must make.

Consider the planned revisions to the ethnic and racial categories in the United States Census. Officials are moving to create a category redefining those of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) descent, who are racially white, to a new nonwhite category. Since MENA population are predominantly Muslim, this is a way to create a race out of a religion: by producing a racialized category popularly referred to as “Muslim-American,” which gives more weight to the propaganda campaign portraying the critics of Islam and Islamization, i.e., the smear of Islamophobia, as racists. In other words, the Islamist project to portray a religious belief as an essential attribute, as if it were a skin color, or a sexual orientation, will be codified in the US Census, while at the same time the proportion of the population identifying as white will shrink. The Biden administration is moreover recommending moving the “Hispanic or Latino” category, which is an ethnicity, to the race category. Since two-thirds of Hispanics are white, this will reduce the proportion of whites in America by much more than a new MENA category.

It is beyond troubling that we have in Joe Biden a man who is actively working to diminish the number of white Europeans in a country built primarily by white Europeans with a culture, language, and political system of European origin. Imagine the Prime Minister of Japan telling the citizens of his country to celebrate the coming fact that, with the mass importation of Third World peoples, culture bearers bearing cultures antithetical to Japanese culture, the moral and normative foundation of the Japanese Republic, that ethnic Japanese will soon be in the absolute minority. Imagine that the Japanese are told that they cannot expect that these newcomers will become Japanese because assimilation and integration are racist and that the Japanese should emphasize instead cultural and ethnic pluralism. If this happened, how could Japan be said to be Japanese anymore?

This is not a racial argument. Japanese is an ethnicity. Of course, this is understood. I say it to ask, rhetorically, why then is cultural and national integrity celebrated for all other cultures and ethnicities but white European? Why does it become a racial argument when westerners defend their own cultural integrity? Look at Sweden or France and their situation with mass immigration and the explosion of crime (especially gang violence and rape). Why aren’t they seen in the same light as Japan? You will be told that it’s because white Europeans are devils, having colonized the world and enslaved its people, and so they owe others reparations, part of the justice of which is to give up their right to cultural and national integrity. But colonization and slavery are ancient practices that white Europeans abolished. Moreover, European civilization—including and especially the United States—are the most racially diverse civilizations on the planet, and in principle grant equality before the law irrespective of race category, while in practice privilege select non-white groups (the recent judicial curtailment of affirmative action notwithstanding).

Nationalism, which is a political and legal-juridical philosophy, depends upon ethnically homogeneity, i.e, a common language with shared meanings, shared and cherished values, a commitment to the foundational social customs and norms—civil liberties and rights, marriage, etc. Culturally, Americans carrying over English common law. It’s the foundation of the Constitution, written in English and conveying the principles and ethics of that culture, the Enlightenment values of liberalism and secularism. All of these things come from European culture and they have given the world the superior models of government and conduct.

Yet our leaders seek to to diminish the culture bearers that bear that culture. Not only do the new immigrants have values that don’t align with the European culture (this makes immigration since the 1960s radically different from the wave that was ended in the 1920s), but are antithetical to European culture. It is as obvious as anything can be is that the project of mass immigration is a globalist project to undermine the Enlightenment and the democratic-republic principles of the modern nation-state for the purposes of diminishing the West—the culture that brought to the world human rights and individualism. Why would our leaders want to do that? Because Democrats works for big corporations who seek a new world order based on transnational corporate control.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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