The Islamization Project on US College Campuses

Part of the elite project known to observers as the managed decline of the American Republic—and of the West generally—is Islamization. Because of the Muslim’s faithful adherence to his irrational beliefs, Muslims are a desirable constituency for the New World Order based on the corporate state model (global neo-feudalism).

This is a long haul project. For example, France, in the 1970s, used Muslims and the prayer room as weapons to break industrial unions. I write in a November 2019 essay, Culture Matters: Western Exceptionalism and Socialist Possibility, “By the 1970s, for example, the government of France, under … president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, sought in Islam ‘a stabilizing force which would turn the faithful from deviance, delinquency or membership of unions or revolutionary parties,’ here quoting Paul Dijoud, minister for immigrant workers. ‘When a series of strikes hit car factories in the late 1970s,’ [Kenan] Malik writes [in Multiculturalism and its Discontents], ‘the government encouraged employers to build prayer rooms in an effort to wean immigrant workers, who formed a large proportion of the workforce, away from militant activity.’”

I conclude, “Keeping newcomers away from native-born workers is an effective strategy to disorganize the national proletariat. How effective? In the 1950s, roughly one-third of French workers belonged to a trade union. Today, less than one in ten,” noting that “[t]his mirrors the decline in organized labor in the United States during the same period.”

I have been writing about this problem for years, so I recommend you search my blog for more stories (one of my summer projects is to index my essays by topic to make it easier for visitors to search content). Others have written about this in much greater detail and for much longer than I have. I urge you to read work by Bruce Bauer, Chris Caldwell, and Douglas Murray, and, as always, speeches and talks on this subject by Christopher Hitchens. Sam Harris also has useful things to say about this matter.

In the United States, we’re now seeing students at Ivy League universities across the nation participating in Islamic prayer. Not a few of them are converting to the religion, which, as many of you know, is also a political ideology, indeed, a totalitarian one. Islam offers its followers a complete plan for life. We already have cities in the United States that are effectively Muslim enclaves governed by representatives of that religion. They’ve even sent their ideologues to Congress.

Because the West is free and open, there is always a risk that enemies of human reason and freedom will establish a fifth column in the countries they’re colonizing. Make no mistake about it, the West is being colonized by culture bearers who are bringing norms and values antithetical to the those of the enlightened West. It is vital for you to know what is at stake here. We need to speak frankly about this. You do not want you children and grandchildren to live under Islamic theocracy.

In the United States, our rights are unalienable and derive from the laws of nature or nature’s god (the creator of deism)—that means that these rights are inherent in each of us whether or not we are religious. In Islam, matters of law and governance are handed down from a particular construct of god known to the world as Allah. Allah’s rules were dictated to an ancient people by an illiterate merchant/warlord who claimed he received them from an angel in a cave. In Islam, there are no rights intrinsic to the individual—what you may or may not do is determined not by your will but by the will of Allah, determined by clerics who interpret the law, a system called sharia.

Islam literally means “submission” or “surrender.” The demand is that you submit to the authority of Allah’s earthly clerics, that you surrender your liberties and rights to their interpretation of the judgment of Allah. There is no more totalitarian ideology than Islam; it is the paradigm of clerical fascism. You should be deeply concerned about the proliferation of Muslims in your communities in light of the rejection of assimilation and the embrace of multiculturalism by the administrative state. Things have already gone badly off the rails in France, Germany, Sweden, and the UK.

Protestors at UCLA participating in Islamic prayer

There’s more to come. The war package that recently passed Congress comes with moneys designated for establishing centers in Gaza to prepare Muslims for relocation to the United States. We have to resist this. However, rather than restricting immigration from Islamic societies, which any sane and rational government would do, the Democrat Party is ramping up the importation of Muslims into your communities. This is in addition to the millions of illegal immigrants that have already crossed the border, with large numbers of Muslims among them.

We have a lot of work to do to repair the damage Democrats have wrought. That work begins at the ballot box this November, when we remove these traitors from office.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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