The Growing Threat on Our College Campuses

If you’re curious how it came to be that college students are chanting pro-terrorist slogans on the campuses of ivy-league universities, you only need to understand that they were prepared for this moment by their professors. There are interviews with students telling reporters that they’re putting into action the social justice values their professors taught them.

Over the last several years, college kids have been fed a steady diet of anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Western propaganda in the form of postcolonial, third world studies, and other ideological projects framed in the academic jargon of postmodernist critical studies.

Columbia student demonstrator taken away on stretcher as anti-Israel  protests rage on
Anti-Western mob at Columbia University last Saturday

Critical race theory, queer theory, and the rest of the fallacious mess are more than crackpot. They’ve turned young people against themselves, exploiting their lack of self confidence in the West (self-loathing betrayed by narcissism), reducing the Enlightenment to a mythology about white supremacy and a problematizing of the millennia long practice of settler colonialism (even while promoting the invasion of the West by backwards culture bearers).

In this worldview, free speech, individualism, progress, reason, and science are depicted as racist and violent. The solution, namely antiracism, is censorship and compelled speech, tribalism, indigenousness ways of being and knowing (i.e., atavisms), feeling over reason, anti-scientism—and violence.

Irrationalism and nihilism are now rampant in the West. And just in time for the 2024 US presidential election. The color revolution joins lawfare and security state intimidation in stifling the populist nationalist movement to restore democratic republican principles and the values of classical liberalism. In this way, the universities have become a key player in the corporate state transformation of free societies into tyrannies.

* * *

On a related matters… As I have shown on the pages of Freedom and Reason, gender ideology is a neo-religion, a techno-religious cult, as Jennifer Bilek calls is. Here’s another neo-religion:

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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