The Ethics of Collective Self-Defense

You know what they say about truth being the first casualty of war. Folks were deceived into supporting the Iraq war by fake stories of babies being thrown out of incubators. There are other examples. The warmongers have ways of mobilizing us for war.

So I waited until I felt confident about this before commenting on it. But it looks like Hamas really did behead and burn babies and rape children. I will spare you the pictures. I can’t look at them anymore.

This isn’t about a land dispute. This is about a depraved and fascistic religious ideology that drives men to rape, torture, and murder anybody who doesn’t think like they do. This is consistent with the history of Islam. This way of thinking, this level of hatred cannot be negotiated with. The West—the world—needs to crush this movement. Today’s Global Day of Jihad should be answered with force.

Flames and smoke billow during Israeli attacks against Gaza on October 9, 2023

Yet progressives and social democrats in North America and Europe have welcomed this way of thinking and this hatred into their nations. They have welcomed the barbarians inside the gates. This complicates things. But not in an unsolvable way. It means that we have to throw out of power the establishment parties as a step in the project to save the West from the forces of irrationalism—external and internal. We have to fix our own houses to thwart the House of Islam. And we need to do it quickly. Islamists will make slaves or corpses of us all if we don’t.

“But the suffering in Gaza,” they say. “What about the babies there?” Not all Germans supported Hitler. But the allies bombed the fuck out of them anyway—babies and all. Were there war cries on the Allied side? Yes. But Israel is telling Gazans where to go so they are not bombed. Hamas is telling them to stay in place. Human shields.

The point is that, if you want to have a country, then being accountable for what your government does comes with the territory. You don’t get to invade a nation and behead its babies and burn alive its people and rape their children then cry when the bombs rain down on your cities. This misery you bring on yourselves.

Welcome to the system of nations. And the ethic of righteous justice.

* * *

Meanwhile, pro-Islamist forces in the West are making their voices heard. Given that the massacre of Israel civilians would cause such an expression of pro-Palestinian sentiment indicates the depth of anti-Semitism across the trans-Atlantic space. Those expressing the sentiment are either Muslim immigrants or those typically self-identifying as on the political left whose politics are informed by identitarianism and multiculturalism. Both groups are pawns of the transnational elites who state-level functionaries control the administrative apparatus of their respective governments. Their subservience to the goals of globalization is used to manufacture popular support for the strategy of mass immigration for the purposes of transforming the demographic profile of western civilization and integrating western populations into the new world corporatist order.

The Biden regime is doing its part to transform the United States in this regard. We have learned that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is currently overseeing 5.7 million migrants. These are recent arrivals that join the well more than ten million illegal aliens already in the country. The number of new arrivals is certainly higher. I’ve seen the videos by independent journalists of the endless stream of military age men crossing the southern border unprocessed. The New York Post is reporting today that the Biden regime indicates that it will provide free medical services, food, and housing to these aliens.

The question is not whether there are terrorists among the new arrivals but how many of terrorists have crossed over into the United States. In fiscal year 2023, Customs and Border patrol have reported more than a hundred and fifty illegals who are on terror watchlist. More than 8,000 “special interest” migrants encountered last month. There are certainly many times these numbers.

Why is this happening? I have written about this many times. These are obvious: (1) cheap super-exploitable labor; (2) depressing wages for native workers; (3) diminishing the European proportion of the US population, which will benefit the Democratic Party electorally in the long term—and obvious the elaboration and entrenchment of the new world order. There is also a theory that the establishment is raising the potential for cultural and social disorganization during the 2024 election which will benefit the Democratic Party in the short term, possibly by raising the terrorist threat and triggering marshal law. I don’t find the theory implausible. I find it hard to believe that intelligence services didn’t see the Hamas attack coming.

(For a recent essay on the immigration issue, see “It’s Not Going to Stop.” The Managed Decline of the American Republic. See also The Progressive Politics of Mass Immigration; Protecting the Fatherland—Mayorkas and His Spooks.)

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Helen Lewis asks rhetorically in the pages of The Atlantic, “The terror attack on Israel by Hamas has been a divisive—if clarifying—moment for the left. The test that it presented was simple: Can you condemn the slaughter of civilians, in massacres that now appear to have been calculatedly sadistic and outrageous, without equivocation or whataboutism? Can you lay down, for a moment, your legitimate criticisms of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, West Bank settlements, and the conditions in Gaza, and express horror at the mass murder of civilians?”

The woke progressive binary of a world divided by oppressor and oppressed has dispossessed those who claim to be on the left of their capacity for elementary moral reasoning. “In corners of academia and social-justice activism where the identity of the oppressor and the oppressed are never in doubt, many people failed that test.” Indeed.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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