Corporate State Again Obscuring Truth About Mass Shooting

CNN updates an article less than an hour ago mystifying the facts of the mass shooting that left one dead (Lisa Lopez-Galvan) and twenty more wounded at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory rally yesterday. “Three people were detained and an unspecified number of guns recovered as officers converged, said Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves. No charges had been announced by Wednesday night and no suspects had been named.”

The “unnamed” suspects

If the shooter or shooters had been white the story’s frame would be entirely different. We can know this from the pattern induced from a universe of mass shooting stories. The lengthy article excludes crucial known details, chief among them, that the shooters were black. It’s not as if there are no images of the shooters, yet CNN omits them from the story.

Note the places CNN identifies where mass shootings occur—churches, grocery stores, outlet malls, and schools. These rare sites of mass shootings conjure images of the lone white shooter. The objective is to cast the threat of white men against the backdrop of normality, to make people feel unsafe in daily lives lives in familiar surroundings.

CNN reports that Kansas City “was at least the 48th mass shooting in the United States so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which like CNN counts those in which four or more are shot, not including a perpetrator.”

By that definition, and using the Gun Violence Archive, there were 656 mass shootings in 2023. What CNN won’t tell you is where most of those shootings occurred. Nor will they tell you the race of the majority of perpetrators. But I will. Most mass shootings occur in inner-city black-majority neighborhoods and are perpetrated by black men.

Most Americans don’t know this. When you tell them the truth most will disbelieve you. The mass media has done a number on the people’s heads, systematically hiding the truth from the public in order to create a false perception that white men are the chief perpetrators of violence in America.

One would reasonably expect that in a country that is three-quarters white, whites would be responsible for most murders. But, in fact, black men, who comprise only 6 percent of the US population, commit more than half of all murders in the country. In reality, white people are drastically underrepresented in the most violent crimes perpetrated in this nation.

Homicides in Kansas City 2022 (Source: FBI Crime Data Explore, last year reported)

That those who mind control you obscure these facts by framing and through omission gives the game away. That is, it tells you there is an agenda at work. And the character of the lie tells you the character of that agenda. This is why I am compelled to share these facts with you.

I have nothing against black Americans. In fact, more than half of all murder victims are black (Kansas City is hardly unique) and I condemn progressives for the urban policies that create the criminogenic environments that yield this result. It is for the sake of blacks and the agenda to depict white people as racist oppressors that I am moved to tell you the truth.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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