Antifa is Trans Activism

While you enjoy these scenes of police officers bringing Antifa to justice (I know I always enjoy seeing belligerent fascists being confronted by law enforcement), and realize that while states like Texas do the right thing many states don’t, I want you to see what Antifa actually is. Antifa, a concrete manifestation of anarchist philosophy, i.e., the embodiment of the “propaganda of the deed,” is a praxis rooted in the project to normalize pedophilia and other paraphilias. As you can see if look closely enough (but don’t get too close because they’re rabid), Antifa is composed of TRAs, the acronym for “trans-rights activists,” as well as furries, people who have created animal avatars as alternative identities. (See From Delusion to Illusion: Transitioning Disordered Personalities into Valid Identities.)

The AR15 trans patch

TRAs and furries are emotionally and psychologically disordered individuals, many suffering from cluster b type personality disorders, primarily antisocial, borderline, and narcissistic. Sometimes they’re supported by parents—who are eager to share their affinity in TikTok videos. But in many instances parents have lost control over their children and protect their own safety by leaning into the disorder. If you have ever known individuals with cluster b you will likely know what I am talking about. It’s some scary shit. Many parents are terrified by their own kids. So are clinical psychologists and clinical social workers and psychiatrists, who quickly move the disordered along to the gender clinics that put them on hormones to get these scary people out of their offices, as well, and then onto the streets where they terrorize those who remain courageous enough to stand up for truth and children. This is what your are seeing in this video.

The TRAs agenda is not hidden. Look at the patches. They’re pride and trans insignia. I’ve been blogging about this for a while now. Look at the animal ears on top of the helmets. They’re announcing what they are: TRAs and furries. The gear they’re wearing is for them fetish gear. They get off sexually on appearing this way, on intimidating and perpetrating violence on others. Sadism is always hanging close by the disordered. This is what Antifa is. This is what BLM is, as well. Although BLM wiped their web page of the ideological specifics when people like me exposed them, they were very clear about what they stood for: gender ideology and the destruction of the nuclear family and western civilization. BLM tried to claim they were “neo-marxist.” Yet another lie to suck in other leftists and confuse conservatives. All of this is street-level fascism.

The name “Antifa” is an Orwellian inversion to (poorly) cover what are actually blackshirts for corporate state power, defended and enabled by the mass media and culture industry. Antifa and the corporate state depend on people not knowing the signs of fascism. This is why the media doesn’t cover scenes like this. When the media covered the 2020 riots, they knew but never explained this to viewers. In fact, they told you that Antifa was an idea not an organization or movement at all. Officials of the administrative state testified to Congress under oath that Antifa was “just an idea.” An Orwellian inversion is a propaganda technique to record some thing or idea as its opposite ( “War is peace,” etc.) in order to move under the cover of false legitimacy. (See Anarchists and Corrupting the Three Arrows.)

Note the patches.

True anti-fascism has a name: liberalism. The same is true for actual antiracism. But, today, antifascism and antiracism are expression of the illiberalism of today’s fascism, with its anti-white and anti-Asian sentiment category substitutions. These facts are easily demonstrated by reviewing what Antifa opposes: Antifa opposes freedom of speech and conscience. Antifa openly announces that those whose views they disagree with are justifiably shut down by force. Where they cannot directly perpetrate intimidation and violence against those with whom they disagree, Antifa makes an individual’s life hell by harassing them in their work life, their home life, etc.

Antifa is assisted in this by institutional power in the private and public realms. This is what diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) training is about. DEI content elevates Antifa/BLM/TRAs ideology to the institutional level. Another way of putting this is that Antifa/BLM/TRAs ideology is a street-level manifestation of DEI. As such it is illiberal and reactionary. These are some of the ways to corporate state divides and controls us. Antifa opposes reason and science. The central tenet of gender ideology is that men can be women, as fundamental a falsehood as exists in a world of falsehoods, but which is permeates not only Antifa ideology but the progressive ideology currently driving institutional policy. Even the medical-industrial complex advances this lie—and does so while making billions from it.

Antifa opposes child protective action. The occasion that brings Antifa out in this video are people protesting the sexualization of children. Again, pedophilia lies at the heart of anarchism and its expression in gender ideology. If you have studied the history of queer theory, then you know this. Most people haven’t studied this history, however, and since few people are going to tell you about it, most people won’t know this. This is why it is so important to bring into disrepute those who do know this reality. This is the smear of “trans phobia.”

Antifa/BLM/trans is only the street-level manifestation of the New Fascism that’s sweeping western institutions. Just as Antifa wears Pride and trans patches, public schools display Pride and TRA patches, BLM placards, anti-American, anti-white, and anti-science literature. Queer propaganda is everywhere—and that’s not by accident. The fascist strain of anarchism is the root politics of postmodernism, queer theory, critical race theory, and other ideologies currently shaping mass consciousness. This why the corporate news media tells you that Antifa is nothing remarkable. The truth is that understanding what Antifa really is key to understanding what’s really going on.

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Mayo Clinic tells us why it is important to introduce children to the idea that they may not be the gender they are at an early age: “Most children typically develop the ability to recognize and label stereotypical gender groups, such as girl, woman and feminine, and boy, man and masculine, between ages 18 and 24 months. Most also categorize their own gender by age 3 years. However, because gender stereotypes are reinforced, some children learn to behave in ways that bring them the most reward, despite their authentic gender identity. At ages 5 to 6 years, most children are rigid about gender stereotypes and preferences. These feelings typically become more flexible with age.” Note the concept “authentic gender identity.” You need to start the process of conversion before age of five so that in that period of rigidity the child is early on convinced that are the gender they are not. The Mayo clinic bizarrely treats culturally-specific and transitory gender norms as innate. “Diversity in gender expressions and behaviors might include: Certain bathroom behavior, such as a girl insisting on standing up to urinate; An aversion to wearing the bathing suit of the child’s birth sex; A preference for underwear typically worn by the opposite sex; A strong desire to play with toys typically assigned to the opposite sex.”

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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