“You’re All Sinners!” The Religion of Critical Race Theory

This University of Denver teacher just told students that critical race theory is a religion. This is the analogy I have used for years (see for example my June 3, 2020 essay Such a Beautiful Moment—The Self-Flagellating of White People). CRT is a religion that appeals to supernatural entities and forces and rests on the notion of original sin, blood guilt, intergenerational and collective responsibility—all based on race. It’s a paradigm of Erving Goffman’s “tribal stigma.”

There are those whom the gods of social justice keep immaculate (it wasn’t that Mary was a virgin but that her vaginal canal was cleansed by the Holy Spirit). In the CRT religion, blacks are sacred in this way. Living fetishes and totems.

There’s a version of this in critical feminism. A man is an oppressor because patriarchy. But if he performs the role of a woman (don’t get mad at me, that’s Judith Butler talking), if he steps into oppression by making himself a minority (trans), then he leaves that sin behind and becomes a protected class. He becomes a fetish in the religious sense. Trans is not just a move from the dysphoric to the euphoric. Gender ideology is a salvation cult.

But there’s one big difference: race is caste. You can’t wriggle out of it (Rachel Dolezal tried and look what happened to her). At best, no matter how many feet they wash, whites can only be allies; they’re always sinners. They must repent, of course, but remain permanently fallen. They must apologize for themselves and go to the back of the line.

Whatever the differences, it’s all primitive superstition and crack pot academic theory. All of it. CRT. Queer Theory. Islamism. It’s crap. Yet these crappy ideas have colonized our institutions. We’re being required to adopt the doctrines, recite the scriptures, engage the rituals. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the manifestation of these atavisms in corporate boardrooms and educational institutions. We’re forced to act in bad faith. It’s corrupting history, fiction, art, and music. It’s corrupting everything.

The Woke are waging war on civilization. Resist it while you can. The rational know what this is. It’s totalitarianism.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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