J.K. Rowling’s Thought Crime

From NBCNews: “Broadcaster reported J.K. Rowling to the police over alleged transphobic social media post.”

In an interview with Byline TV on Wednesday night, India Willoughby—Celebrity Big Brother contestant and Loose Women co-host—said he reported J.K. Rowling—author of, among other things, the wildly popular Harry Potter book series—to Northumbria Police for repeatedly using accurate pronouns when referring to him.

India Willoughby of Celebrity Big Brother contestant and Loose Women fame

“I have reported J.K. Rowling to the police for what she said, which I don’t know if that’s going to be treated as a hate crime, malicious communications—but it’s a cut-and-dry offense, as far as I’m concerned.”

“J.K. Rowling has definitely committed a crime. I’m legally a woman. She knows I’m a woman, and she called me a man,” India Willoughby said in the interview. “It’s a protected characteristic, and that is a breach of both the Equalities Act and the Gender Recognition Act. She’s tweeted that out to 14 million followers.”

Rowling knows that Willoughby is a man. We all do. Legislation doesn’t change a natural fact. Neither hormones and surgeries nor legislation can make a man a woman. Any state that claims the power to change reality by definition and then arrest those who defy that definition constitutes a tyranny.

J.K. Rowling, author of, among other things, the immensely popular Harry Potter book series

In her response, Rowling notes the obvious, that “gender critical views can be protected in law as a philosophical belief. No law compels anyone to pretend to believe that India is a woman.” But tyrants don’t care about morality—even as they assert it. If Labor wins the upcoming election, the tyranny will deepen.

Rowling added, “Aware as I am that it’s an offense to lie to law enforcement, I’ll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can’t compel women to take him at his own valuation.”

The UK is becoming Orwell’s nightmare. The thinking liberal and socialist has no option but to vote conservative. Western civilization is at stake.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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