AG Garland Found in Contempt and MTG’s Hypothesis Confirmed

Did you miss it? Or did you see the coverage that put the “newsworthy” exchanges in the wrong order? The House Oversight Committee Congress (as did House Judiciary) found US Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for withholding an audio recording bearing on the question of whether Joe Biden is fit to be president and therefore should be criminally prosecuted for stealing top secret documents when he was vice-president or whether, on the other hand, he is unfit to be president and therefore incompetent to stand trial for his actions which put the nation’s security at risk. The Biden regime exerted executive privilege at the last minute because the audio of him disclosing to a ghostwriter state secrets he illegally obtained while vice-president has him on the horns of a dilemma.

We all know about the corrupt and compromised man in the White House. Today, I want to sort out for you the chaos occurring during debate and deliberation that overshadowed the vote itself. Like ozone in the atmosphere, you could feel the storm coming. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R)) was sensing that Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D) and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) were seething. One giveaway was Crockett’s response to Greene query to the committee whether any Democrat present had employed the services of party operative Loren Merchan, the daughter of Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing the zombie case against Trump in Manhattan.

Jasmine Crockett and Marjorie Taylor Greene, members of the House of Representatives

Greene’s query, while rhetorical, was not unsolicited. Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin (D) wanted to ensure that members of his party were not taking any actions on the Oversight Committee in order to solicit campaign contributions. This was in response to the usual clown show by Florida Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D), who insulted the chair, Kentucky Rep. James Comer (R) without objection. Greene wanted to make it transparent that at least once member of the party on the committee, New York Rep. Daniel Goldman (D), had in fact retained the services of the judge’s daughter. Greene also knew Crockett and Ocasio-Cortez are easily triggered and, when drawn into a cat fight, resort to embarrassing themselves by trash talking. Both Crockett and Ocasio-Cortez are well spoken, but when triggered channel (or revert to) the argot of the street. So Greene tested her hypothesis by casually commenting on Crockett’s false eyelashes.

Greene (recognized by the chair for five minutes): “I’d like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Merchan’s daughter.”

Crockett: “Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland.”

Raskin: “Is she a porn star?”

Greene: “Oh, Goldman that’s right.”

Crockett: “Do you know what you are here for?”

Greene: “I don’t think you know what you’re here for. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Crockett: “Ain’t nuthin—”

And the cat fight was on. Hypothesis confirmed. After Massachusetts Rep. Stephen Lynch (D) called into question Comer’s ethics. Ocasio-Cortez made a point of order to take down Greene’s words. “That is absolutely unacceptable! How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person.”

Greene: “Aww, are your feelings hurt?”

Ocasio-Cortez: “Oh girl, baby girl—”

Green: “Oh really?

Ocasio-Cortez: “Don’t even play.”

Greene: “Baby girl? I don’t think so.”

The motion to strike Greene’s words was seconded, and Greene sat triumphally while the parliamentarians got busy trying to sort it all out. Ocasio-Cortez persisted in waxing indignant, continually repeating “Not today,” while rapping her fingernails on her desk (the woke progressive version of Nikita Khrushchev’s shoe on the table). At one point, Ocasio-Cortez said to those seated around her, “She’s not used to people talking back to her. She don’t want to say sorry to nobody for nothing. She’s going to learn.” When the committee reconvened, Greene agreed to strike her words. This wasn’t enough for Ocasio-Cortez, who demanded an apology, as well. Greene refused to apologize and then challenged Ocasio-Cortez to a debate.

Greene: “Why don’t you debate me.”

Ocasio-Cortez: “I think it’s pretty self-evident.”

Greene: “Yeah, you don’t have enough intelligence.”

More chaos ensued, with Democrats moving to strike those words, too. Channeling her inner Frank Zappa, Greene responded sardonically, “Oh, they cannot take the words.”

What followed was a discussion of parliamentary rules about ad hominem attacks and a demand by Raskin to repeat Greene’s words that she agreed to strike. Raskin attempted to repeat the words himself, something about Crockett taking off her fake eyelashes, to which Comer looked at him and said, “Really? I mean….” (Translation: You have got to be kidding me. That’s what triggered all this?”) Comer then asked the clerk to report the words. They suspended while the clerk reviewed the audio to determine the words. During the pause, Greene quipped, “Release the audio.” (There was also a call to have the media leave the well of the chamber until somebody pointed out that nobody called for the removal of the Netflix crew who accompanied Hunter Biden during his brief appearance in that chamber.

Eventually Comer got around to ruling that, while indecorous, the words did not rise to the level of ad hominem. Comer asked everybody to agree to treat each other with comity, including in his list Moskowitz (he had not forgotten Moskowitz’s snide remark). Raskin appealed the ruling. There was a motion by Republicans to table the appeal. The appeal was tabled. Comer recognized Greene to speak (you will recall that it had been her turn to speak since the beginning of the chaos).

At that point, rather than moving on, Crocket raised a point of order with a sideways insult aimed at Greene. “I’m just curious, just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?”

“A what now?” Comer replied. “I have no idea what you just said.”

Amid the crosstalk and calls for Crockett to calm down, Crockett could be heard to say, “’Cause this is what y’all do. Don’t tell me to calm down ’cause y’all talk noise and then you can’t take it. If I come and talk shit about her, y’all gonna have a problem.”

Ocasio-Cortez made a second motion to take down Greene’s words about Ocasio-Cortez’s intelligence and after debate over the rules and a brief recess, the committee finally got back to business and Rep. Green was allowed to complete her opening statement. Her speech was important. She condemned the lawfare against Trump and his associates and called on the committee to find Garland in contempt. But perhaps more important than her speech was her successful goading of the opposition into exposing its performative attempt at political discourse.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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