Your Choice of Comrades in a Post-Truth World

Big corporate power and progressives in government legalized private-sector unions, incorporated them (corporatism), and then crushed them with out-sourcing, off-shoring, and mass immigration. They did this while pressing a cosmopolitan worldview onto the proletariat, smearing cultural and national integrity as backwards and bigoted. Unions shifted to cover the public-sector bureaucrats, the very corporate functionaries pushing multiculturalism and transnationalism, adapting its organization to become the mouthpiece for the credential professional-managerial class. We now live in an administrative state living administered lives with unionized bureaucrats administering them.

These are the same big corporations—enabled by the same administrative state, with its regulatory apparatus and technocratic corp—that pump forever chemicals into the earth and atmosphere and mine the human population for forever patients. This is the same ruling elite who push climate apocalypticism and use mass hysteria to rationalize globalization and restrictions on efficient food and energy production. It’s the same ruling elite that demand we agree to overthrowing the most basic truths of the world, such as the gender binary and its immutability.

The Democratic Party is the party of the elite. See what you see. Academic institutions, the culture industry, the mainstream media—these unelected de facto governing bodies push the party line. They are in cahoots, and folks on that side should admit it and lean into their post-truth world. But the folx deny it, and even more than this, tell you that they are the real voice of the common man. They think you’re too dumb to see it for what it is. Maybe some of you have been asleep. I confess, I was drowsy for a spell. But we’re not dumb. And we’re waking up.

The plane of organic solidarity

Who are the true defenders or free labor and conservationism? I grew up with them. I have come home to them. They’re the rural conservative individualist who uses the earth for survival but does so in a way that preserves the environment he knows he and his wife—and their children and their children—have to conserve to pass down to the next generation of virtuous republican citizens—not an inheritance of grievances, but an inheritance of republic virtue and good stewardship of the earth. They’re the small entrepreneurs who build their business to benefit the members of their community—the organic solidarity of the people, built on the traditional family system, ensuring their loyalty to their customers and employees, thus conserving the social ecology. Today, men and women with this spirit are rising and they’re making the Republican Party their means to return America to its populist roots.

If you ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up, many of the boys will tell you that they want to be police officers and firefighters, sometimes soldiers. Who are these men they want to grow up to be? They are the men who protect the community from danger and help people in need. The corruption of the medical profession aside, helping people is what doctors and nurses do, too, so one finds children wanting to be these things, as well. Yet, by the time they finish their education, the curriculum and pedagogical technique, now fully captured by progressives administrators, staff, and teachers, dispossess many of them of their natural instincts to defend country, protect community, and help the needy—replacing those instincts with a massive state bureaucracy that is not merely remote to their local concerns and needs but antagonistic towards the people and the culture naturally inclined to address those concerns and needs. Progressives seek to dethrone family and community and put big government in their stead. To be sure, policing and the military still find men who lean into their vocation, and there are many men around with broad shoulders who make a path to self-actualization; rural and small town America still exist; but that America is under assault, and the fact pattern attests to it.

Our children are groomed and recruited to be functionaries for the antagonistic force assaulting the republican ideal. Social and emotional learning (SEL) teaches them to focus inward, to dwell on their anxieties, insecurities, and vulnerabilities, while diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) selects the personnel that hones and implements the strategy of cultivating faux esteem and self-loathing. SEL conditions children to think not of how through service to others they may build courage and resiliency, but rather how the world has done them dirty, their ancestors either oppressed or oppressor, manufacturing the trauma of the victim (increasingly a sought status, with people inventing and stepping into novel categories of the oppressed), while at the same time instilling the shame of the oppressor, demoralizing the majority, teaching them to hate the very communities they are naturally inclined to defend and perpetuate—teaching them to hate themselves.

This is what explains the spectacle of campus unrest—and the summer of 2020 and so on. This is the pathological expression of hateful retribution for fictional and impossible harms and deep-seated self loathing learned from socialization in the inverted totalitarian arrangements of managed democracy with an agenda of managed decline. The modern nation-state, and its inherent principles of freedom and reason, are being dismantled by a power elite who seek the establishment of a global neofeudalism rooted in corporate statism where the proletariat of the earth will serve as serfs on high-tech estate. We can see the New Dark Ages approaching. Your comrades are the men and women who are bringing the light.

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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