The Body as Primary Commodity: The Techno-Religious Cult of Transgenderism

Jennifer Bilek’s blog, The 11th Hour, on transgenderism, technology, and capitalism, is a must subscribe. (Read Bilek’s interview in The European Conservative, March 16, 2024.) Blogs are not the future of scientific scholarship—they’re the here-and-now of communicating reality-based knowledge. More than subscribe to her blog, those concerned about the future of humanity must take Bilek seriously. I’ve looked into all of this and she is right. It’s more horrifying that one can imagine. (See Thomas Szasz, Medical Freedom, and the Tyranny of Gender Ideology; Simulated Sexual Identities: Trans as Bad CopyThe Exploitative Act of Removing Healthy Body PartsDisordering Bodies for Disordered Minds.)

Transgenderism is a corporate state project to open human biology to radical body modification. Elites market it as progressive, which has always been the ideology of corporate power recoded as politics and policy for popular interests. Transgenderism is fundamentally transhumanist. The elite are preparing the ground for the mass production of augmented bodies. The end is Homo sapiens 2.0. (See Fear and Loathing in the Village of Chamounix: Monstrosity and the Deceits of Trans Joy; Anti-Minotaur: Reclaiming The Truth of Gender From the Labyrinth of Lies; Mystification in the Marketing of “Live-Saving Gender-Affirming Health Care”; The Queer Project and the Practice of Deceptive Mimicry; The Gender Hoax and the Betrayal of Children by the Adults in Their Lives.)

Why is this happening? Certainly for profit. There are trillions of dollars to be had—billions have already been made. (See Making Patients for the Medical-Industrial ComplexFeeding the Medical-Industrial Complex). But also because convincing people that sexed reality is uncertain, an alternative reality can be socialized in its place that makes the people easy to control. It’s already all around you. It’s in your children’s schools. They are indoctrinating the little ones with unreality. Your children are being groomed for the emerging totalitarians order. That you must fear cancellation when you speak biological truth tells you how entrenched is what Bilek calls the “techno-religious cult.” (See Child Sexual Abuse and Its Dissimulation in the Rhetoric of Diversity and InclusionWhat is Grooming?Luring Children to the Edge: The Panic Over Lost OpportunitiesIdeology in Public Schools—What Can We Do About It? Whose Spaces Are These Anyway? Political Advocacy in Public Schools.)

In her interview with Steve Bannon on the War Room (the rest of the interview can be found here, time stamp starting 00:51.38, ending 01:13:48), Bilek tells us that women are being reduced to parts in the medical and corporate literature for a reason. Listen to the language. Women aren’t women anymore. One can by disciplined defining women scientifically, i.e., adult human female. It’s why we’re being told the lie that gender is neither binary nor immutable. Women are reduced to “cervix-havers,” “menstruators,” “birthing bodies,” “womb-havers,” “uterus-havers,” and other such Orwellian euphemisms (see Manipulating Reality by Manipulating Words). Women are being dehumanized in preparation for the comprehensive socialization of transhumanism. Because women are central to the reproduction process—bodies in which babies are grown—they’re reduced to parts for reproductive technology. This is what lies behind mass disassociation from sexed reality, as Bilek puts it.

Reproductive Transhumanism (AI generated)

The ideological conservative who thinks all this is communism or socialism is operating from an entirely false premise. The corporate state project to indoctrinate Western youth isn’t about making them communists or socialists. Communism and socialism are antithetical to capitalist accumulation. Rather, the progressive capture of our sense-making institutions is about installing in the mass of wetware (the collective consciousness) an ideology that produces obedient subjects for the emerging techno-feudal order, a near-future that includes reducing them to primary commodities for the mass production of augmented humans.

Why so many conservatives are confused about this because they believe we live in a capitalist world that still works in much the same way as the past capitalist world did. The corporate state of late capitalism is an obvious contradiction to free market capitalism, so it intuitively feels like communism or socialism. But we don’t live in a previously-known capitalist system. We live in the new reality of transnational corporate technocracy, where national boundaries are being erased and Western culture reorganized to meet the needs of corporate power. (See Communism: The Real and the Theoretical, and Why Nomenclature Matters.)

Ideological conservatives don’t have a model sufficient to theorize the circumstances in which they find themselves. They don’t have a language to generate valid conceptual definitions. Without valid conceptual definitions, there are no operational terms possible to inform effectual mass action against the corporate state. They don’t know what they are actually fighting because they do not have the tools to define what lies at the heart of their very real trepidation. When they decry communism and socialism, they’re easily made to appear foolish, since many of those outside the conservative bubble can see that what’s creeping up on us—if they see anything at all—isn’t communism or socialism. This is why the populist-nationalist movement—liberals, marxists, and rational conservatives coming together in coalition building—is so important to cultivate. Seeing Bilek on Bannon’s show was inspirational.

We have been here before in history. Over the first half of the twentieth century the emerging corporatist order took two basic forms: the soft corporatism of social democracy (called progressivism in the United States) and the hard corporatism of fascism. Both forms pursued identity politics. They had more in common than just identitarianism. Multiculturalism is the progressive version of ethnic and racial separatism. I’m confident my readers know that eugenics was central to progressive ideology. Eugenics was the study and practice controlling reproduction within a human population to achieve corporate state ends. (See The Selective Misanthropy and Essential Fascism of the Progressive Standpoint; Embedding Misogyny and the Progressive Mind.)

After the defeat of fascism by the soft corporatists, world planners redesigned totalitarianism in an inverted formed, where there is no dictator or (apparent) reactionary movement, but rather a technocratic order run by corporatized states supplanting democratic republics and preaching diversity, equity, and inclusion, i.e., tokenism, appropriation, and exclusion. We now live in a managed democracy—its organization bureaucratic collectivist. (See Sheldon Wolin’s Democracy, Inc. Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism.) (See my own Totalitarian Monopoly Capitalism: Fascism Yesterday, Today, and TomorrowMaoism and Wokism and the Tyranny of Bureaucratic Collectivism; Physical Capital, Human Capital, Technology, and Productive Work—These Drive the Real EconomyThe New Serfdom and its Useful Idiots: Boots Waiting to Stamp on the Face of HumanityChina Represents the Existential Threat of our Time—and the Democratic Party is a Chief EnablerThe Behemoth Returns: The Nazis Racialized Everything. So Do CRTs.)

Ever wonder why there’s no talk about social class in woke progressivism? Where is the talk about economic justice? If it appears at all, it’s sublimated as racial justice and the goals changed from improving the standing of working class people to pitting blacks against whites and other other successful demographic categories. It’s all about identity now—ethnicity, race, religion, etc. (Not gender, since that category is being dismantled, as Bilek tells us). The elite aren’t atomizing us. They’ve reorganized us into identity groups that stand antithetical to one another in the pseudo-history/science they’ve manufactured, replete with necessary antagonisms, while denying the legacy of overcoming and actual progress.

This is why, while I am committed to social justice, I criticize social justice as it is popularly understood. What elites and the subalterns they have hoodwinked are portraying as social justice is its opposite. “Social justice” undermines social justice. How could it not when corporations rule the earth? The question of social justice is the subject of a forthcoming blog. Stay tuned.

While you wait, begin your journey down the rabbit hole by reading one of Bilek’s latest tweets:

Published by

Andrew Austin

Andrew Austin is on the faculty of Democracy and Justice Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He has published numerous articles, essays, and reviews in books, encyclopedia, journals, and newspapers.

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